About Potluck Meals

Please indicate what you’ll be bringing on the Evite.

Please see the kashrut guidelines.

How much should I bring?

Each adult in a couple or family is expected to contribute food. That is, a couple is expected to offer double the amount of a single person. Feel free to invite guests to Minyan meals, but remember it is your responsibility to contribute food for them.

Each Minyan member should bring enough food to serve about 6-8 people. We often have newcomers or guests, whom we invite to meals, who did not know about bringing food.

Dropping off food for Minyan events

Please deliver your food directly to the coordinator on Thursday evening unless you have made other arrangements with him or her. Remember that Thursday is a school night so please don’t drop things off too late in the evening.

If you live within the eruv AND will be walking, you may bring food to Minyan events on Shabbat (if it was cooked/purchased before Shabbat). Just don’t expect it to be heated up.

Important note about food allergies

Note: There are minyan members with severe nut allergies. Please do not bring items containing nuts to Minyan events.

Contact the steerers if you have any questions.