
Minyan Shaleym has no paid staff; all the work of running the Minyan is done by members volunteering their time and energy. All members are expected to volunteer for some role. The different jobs required to keep the Minyan going vary in duration and in the skills required. This page briefly describes the organization of the Minyan and the Minyan jobs. Volunteers are given detailed guidance for specific tasks. Mentors are available upon request to assist members who are filling a role for the first time.

There are three elected positions; Steerer, Treasurer and Secretary. Elected positions are for 2 year terms. There are a variety of other ongoing leadership roles.

Shabbat and Yom Tov
Special Holiday and Event
Officer Positions
Ongoing Leadership Positions

Shabbat and Yom Tov

At each service, volunteers setup the room, lead the davening, leyn Torah, give a d’var and provide kiddush. Coordinators are responsible for making sure that the various components of the services are covered. Coordinators typically serve for 3 month terms. The jobs of the Coordinators, room setup and kiddush providers are detailed on the Coordinator Guidelines page and the Setup and Kiddush Guidelines page.

High Holidays and special events have their own coordinators.

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Special Holiday and Event Positions

Several times a year, we need coordinators for holidays that do not follow the Shabbat morning pattern, as well as volunteers to organize certain holiday-related events. These positions include coordinators for the following: Simchat Torah, Hannukah party, Purim services, Purim shpiel, Tikkun leyl Shavuot, Tisha b’Av, and Selichot.

Every year, the high holiday coordinator (or two co-coordinators) take(s) responsibility for organizing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, from making decisions about the schedule to coordinating the davening to recruiting set-up and other volunteers.

Other activities include a “nosh and drash” (lunch and study/talk session after Saturday services) and Friday night services with potluck dinner.

Hosts are needed who live in walking distance of Coolidge Corner and can accommodate a crowd for events that take place in members’ homes, such as Friday night potlucks and the Hannukah party.

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Officer Positions

Each year, the membership elects three or four officers to take overall responsibility for the Minyan’s operations.

  • The Steerer (or two co-Steerers) serve(s) as executive directors of the Minyan, setting policy and making sure that all responsibilities are assigned and all problems are addressed.
  • The Treasurer manages the Minyan’s finances and membership.
  • The Secretary takes notes at Minyan meetings, maintains records, and writes and distributes the weekly announcements and annual newsletter.

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Ongoing Leadership Positions

A number of specialized positions are typically held for a year or longer.

  • The Temple Sinai liaison interacts with the Temple Sinai administrator to schedule and manage the Minyan’s use of the building.
  • The social coordinator organizes occasional Minyan social events.
  • The social action coordinator organizes our community service activities.
  • The hospitality coordinator welcomes new members and organizes periodic mixers for newer and older members to get to know one another.
  • The Family Table coordinator organizes the Minyan’s participation in Family Table, greater Boston’s kosher food bank.
  • The tzedakah coordinator convenes the annual committee to decide on the Minyan’s tzedakah allocations.
  • The Web site coordinator maintains the Minyan Web site.

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