Kiddush Shopping and Setup Guidelines

There are two separate Kiddush Coordinator jobs that can be done by two different people.

The first is the before job. The person doing this job is responsible for purchasing food, delivering it to KI before shabbat (or on shabbat if walking).

The second is the during and after job. This person is responsible for putting out the food after services and cleaning up after the kiddush.

Kiddush Shopper (job #1)

Paying for Kiddush

Upon request, the Minyan will reimburse kiddush expenses, but the Minyan also welcomes kiddush sponsors. The Kiddush Coordinator or someone else can sponsor the kiddush, but the Kiddush Coordinator remains responsible for bringing and setting up the kiddush regardless of how it is paid for.

Before Shabbat: Food

  • Buy kiddush food and bring it to KI before Shabbat (or on Shabbat if walking).

Kiddush Setup (job #2)

On Shabbat: Kiddush

  • Set up kiddush on tables in our davening space after services have ended.  Paper goods and serving bowls are in closet.
  • After kiddush, rinse and dry serving bowls in the sink at the back of the room, return them to the closet.  Only un-opened food containers can be stored in the closet.

What Can I Bring for Kiddush?

The kiddush can be elaborate or simple. Minimum requirements are wine and grape juice, and some sort of munchie food. The usual things include chips, crackers, hummus, salsa, cheese and fruit. Do not provide bread or challah as this is not a full meal and shouldn’t require benching.

Before you start buying, be sure to check the kashrut guidelines and contact the previous week’s Kiddush Coordinator to find out what was left over. You can find out who this person is by looking on our online calendar or by contacting the meta-coordinator.

Warning About Food Allergies

There are Minyan members who have food allergies. Before you buy food for kiddush, make an effort to find out which foods members are allergic to and if people who have allergies will be at your kiddush. Contact the steerers if you have any questions.

Kiddush Supplies and Storage

Kiddush food must be labeled and stored in the downstairs kitchen.

Tape legible Minyan Shaleym labels on your food bags so that they do not fall off.